As talked about in a previous post, these heaters really benefit from using a fan to spread the heat around. My initial attempt using an ancient rule fan that I repaired I deemed was too noisy, so I ordered an… Continue reading
As talked about in a previous post, these heaters really benefit from using a fan to spread the heat around. My initial attempt using an ancient rule fan that I repaired I deemed was too noisy, so I ordered an… Continue reading
Three things left to do Firstly, add a fan. I had two old fans that came with the boat, neither worked. So I took them apart. I discovered that one of the soldered connections had come off, so I reattached… Continue reading
Exactly what it sounds like. I ended up using the Dickinson one which was pricey but small and looks smart, and also has a shutoff switch on it. Here it is installed. I had to interrupt the copper tubing and… Continue reading
So now I had a chimney, a heater, and a fuel line. The only thing left was to hook up the 12v electrics. Now one of the good things about the Newport is that it technically needs no power to… Continue reading
Holy CRAP this was a pain in the arse. It combined all the million-different-fittings joy of plumbing (WHICH I HATE. I HATE PLUMBING) along with mucking around with copper lines along with the added joy of that if something leaked,… Continue reading
As most people who know me know. Which is why I’m extremely happy to find this old fuel tank, that is basically the PERFECT FIT! In 316 stainless steel!!!!!! FOR FIFTY DOLLARS!!!!!!!! This is amazing. Needs some cleaning but… Continue reading
Fresh from a week-long trip to Ottawa (which helpfully rained freezing rain the whole time and reminded me why I do not live in Ottawa anymore) I have decided my goal is to finally, FINALLY finish the damn heater install. This… Continue reading
So the fiberglass attached backing wood finally dried, and it was time to drill the hole in it! This SUCKED AND TOOK AGES since the wood was really really hard. Eventually, after 3 battery pack swaps, I got through Next,… Continue reading