Swiftsure Prep

So I signed up for swiftsure!

Then I looked at the safety requirements and…. arghhhhhh

So, I have three weeks to do the following (it’s really all stuff I should have done before I go offshore anyway)

  • replace lifelines with unjacketed steel ones
  • add proper jacklines
  • replace hatchboard with solid one (current one has slates)
  • add a way to fasten the hatches closed from inside
  • add a way to secure the hatchboards even when not in
  • add latches to lazarette seats
  • reroute bilge pump away from cockpit drain
  • get backup set of nav lights
  • crotch strap
  • FLARES (mine expired last week šŸ™ )
  • borrow MOB pole
  • get hand bearing compass
  • Make sure each thru-hull has a plug attached to it
  • make a chart of all the safety equipment and thru-hulls
  • get strobes for lifejackets
  • get a numeral pennant
  • display sail numbers on lifelines
  • Attach new spinny pole end


First step – replace lifelines. Probably should have been done years ago but a) it was boring and b) I am lazy.

Stripped all the lifelines off the boat

look at that rust

Should get those back next week. 0.5 down, lots to go :/







  1. Hey big list! One thing at a time, at least it’s supposed to be nice this weekend! I need to redo my lifelines too! Where are you getting yours done? I’m here in Vic too…

    • Trotac – I took my old ones in and dropped them off. Should be done next week. I thought about getting swageless fittings and doing them myself but it’s a lot of extra work for not much benefit.

  2. It is funny how we all procrastinate on safety items till we find out the requirements are needed so we can enter an event. This is human nature and I am as guilty as the next. The safety of the crew must be of the highest priority as with no crew no enjoyment.

    • I agree! It’s even more foolish in my case because I single-hand a lot of the time, so no-one to scoop me out of the drink

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