Yard Work II
So to cut to the chase, I am back in the water and tooling around the area testing out stuff. This is what I managed to get done after that last post Replaced chainplates So I bought new chainplates… Continue reading
So to cut to the chase, I am back in the water and tooling around the area testing out stuff. This is what I managed to get done after that last post Replaced chainplates So I bought new chainplates… Continue reading
After the swiftsure race I had a couple of nights downtown and then headed back to Cadboro Bay for a couple more evenings spent bobbing around, while I bought a few things and carried on getting stuff ready. I was originally going… Continue reading
Part of the reason I was installing a LifePO4 bank (aside to move them into the cabin/save weight and space) was to be able to run things like electric kettles and electric induction cooking thingums, reducing the amount I’d have… Continue reading
So after I got back from Ottawa, I had Friday evening to get ready for the trip to the dockyard, up in Canoe Cove. I gave the engine a quick test run, and tidied up a bit. Trip to Canoe… Continue reading
My inital ‘oh god I need something QUICK’ rush job of sticking two 100 watt panels onto the front of the boat had done a good job, lasting all the way around the island but had suffered from me trampling all… Continue reading
With 72 days till the last day of work, the swiftsure race and the start of my trip, here are the things I still need to do in preparation (making lists is a good way to feel like you are… Continue reading
I don’t want to complain too much after last years winter (where it started raining in September and didn’t stop until May, aside to snow a bunch) and this autumn has been pretty nice – but couldn’t it wait until… Continue reading
Ok before I start I gotta give a huge NERD WARNING, as this stuff is probably going to be of not much interest to virtually anyone. Except all 3 people building a LiFePO4 on their boat. So, sorry about that.… Continue reading