Hanging around La Paz
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks in the La Paz area, just hanging out and resting, with the odd (as little as possible) boat stuff. Here are some of the highlights: Liz hung around for a couple of days… Continue reading
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks in the La Paz area, just hanging out and resting, with the odd (as little as possible) boat stuff. Here are some of the highlights: Liz hung around for a couple of days… Continue reading
The marina at San Juan Del Cabo was really expensive, so we hustled all day to get all our shopping/chores done so we could get away with spending one night there (unfortunately this left no time for washing the boat).… Continue reading
After arriving in Santa Maria Bay after a terrible passage, we were soaked after two nights of taking waves in the face and exhausted after no sleep. We had a lay day so Liz tidied up a bit while I… Continue reading
note – my phone died so this section will be rather picture light. Turtle Bay is a funny little place – halfway down the Baja California, not near anything else, it mainly seems to exist as a fishing village and fuelling… Continue reading
As mentioned in the previous post, arrival into Mexico was pretty easy, although involving a fairly long cold foggy motor. With clearing into Mexico out the way it was time to head on south down the baja california! First stop… Continue reading
Two posts in one day?! Wowsers! (I’m catching up before heading off to turtle bay where the connection is spotty) After finally managing to leave San Diego, we actually had a pretty wonderful sail down with 5 knots of wind on… Continue reading
So Catalina Harbour was really nice and sooooo clear – I decided yet again to try to catch a Halibut, and had a strong hit, which turned out to be… a shovelnosed guitarfish. Yet another member of the ray family.… Continue reading
So I got my alt fixed in Santa Barbara – when I say fixed I mean ‘remove the washer than somehow fell and got INSIDE the alternator, grounding out the stator coil’ which was a bit embarrassing, and fixed the… Continue reading